Government of Yukon blogs

Different government programs, branches and units publish blogs. They’re another way for us to share information with you. Find, follow or share a blog in the list below.
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Image of a hand holding up a globe

Follow this blog hear the latest stories about the government's digital service delivery and transformation. You'll learn about our team's mission to deliver services that are simple and fast and strive to improve the user experience. We also share stories from across the government to highlight collaborations with many of the department teams that deliver these services.

This blog is owned and published by eServices for Citizens.

Geomatics and mapping blog image of a map

The Geomatics blog is where we share information about digital mapping and services. You'll find updates about new data, changes to existing services and project updates. We also share information about training opportunities.

Working within the eServices for Citizens branch, the Geomatics team manages this blog and writes the content.

Two solar panels along a dirt road in the Yukon wilderness.

Welcome to the Yukon Green Infrastructure Program blog. This is where we share what the Government of Yukon is doing to tackle climate change impacts in our buildings and other infrastructure and on highways. You’ll find information about how we’re delivering on actions in Our Clean Future: a Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy.

The Department of Highways and Public Works’ Sustainable Infrastructure Branch manage this blog. We manage the Yukon Green Infrastructure Program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve climate resilience in government infrastructure.

Fire danger sign showing low, moderate, high, extreme with needle pointing to high

Read wildfire bulletins for fire-season updates about prescribed-burn planning, fire bans, evacuation notices and major changes in wildfire activity.

Visit the Yukon's Wildfires hub or the text-only updates page to get more information about current wildfire conditions in the Yukon.

If you have questions about the current wildfire bulletins, contact our fire information officer.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 867-393-7415

Read archived fire bulletins (from 2023 and earlier).

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