Travel expense report for Celebration 2018 - Respect: Weigh Your Words, June 8 to 10, 2018

Department: Women's Directorate
Location: Juneau, Alaska, USA
Purpose of the trip: Minister Dendys attended this year’s “Celebration”,  a Tlingit event that rotates annually between Alaska (Coastal Tlingits) and Yukon (Inland Tlingits), to help promote Yukon’s Ha Kus Teyea Festival to be held in Carcross next summer. Minister Dendys attended meetings with the President of Sealaska Heritage to discuss Indigenous culture and tourism. She also met with Alaska’s Lieutenant Governor and the Commissioner of Commerce, Community and Economic Development to discuss tourism and culture issues in Alaska and Yukon.


  • Jeanie Dendys, Minister Responsible for the Women's Directorate

Total travel expenditures for participant

Airfare: $636.20
Accommodation: $744.60
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $347.51

Total costs for this trip: $1,728.31

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Jeanie Dendys (June 8 to 10)

Airfare: $636.20
Accommodation: $744.60
Other: $347.51
Total: $1,728.31

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