Learn about the collaborative purchasing agreements the government uses

What is the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative?

 The Government of Yukon takes part in the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative. This is a federal initiative that shares the Government of Canada's procurement instruments. This includes instruments such as standing offers and supply arrangements to help governments:

  • meet their buying needs;
  • reduce costs;
  • generate administrative efficiencies; and
  • get better value.

 All Government of Yukon departments, agencies and the "MASH" sector may use the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative. The “MASH” sector includes:

  • municipalities;
  • academic institutions;
  • schools; and
  • hospitals.

 Non-Government of Yukon public sector entities:

  1. Must first sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Government of Yukon.
  2. Then access and use the established standing offers and supply arrangements.

 The following public sector entities have established MOUs:

  • City of Whitehorse


Read more about the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative

Find information on available goods and services 

​Read Canadian Collaborative Procurement Plan's list of goods and services.

Join the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative

​Any public sector entity can access the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative's collaborative procurement instruments. To do this, or to ask questions, contact the Department of Highways and Public Works:

Geoff Holmes, manager of Procurement, Supply Services
Email: [email protected] 

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