The Yukon Liquor Board is responsible for:
- licensing decisions; and
- hearing appeals of licence suspensions, barrings and permit refusals.
It's a quasi-judicial body that operates at arm’s length from the Yukon Liquor Corporation and the Government of Yukon. Board members are appointed by Cabinet.
January 18
February 15
March 15
April 19
May 17
June 20
July 19
August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15
December 20
The agenda is the same at each meeting, although it's always subject to change without notice.
- Call to order
- Approval of agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Licence items
- Discussion items
- Corporation report
- Next meeting date
The Liquor Board uses the Liquor Board policy manual to ensure the fairness and consistency of its powers under the Liquor Act.
The policy manual explains:
- barring orders;
- advertising by licensees;
- when a new application and public notice are required;
- a fit person;
- the board's role in liquor licence renewal and length of time;
- hours of service;
- off-premises liquor licence considerations;
- appeals to permit refusals;
- restrictions to the entertainment;
- considerations for a special liquor licence;
- suspensions and cancellations of licences and permits;
- hearings and meetings;
- use of premises outside of licensed hours;
- procedures and records for RV park licences;
- requirements for public notices;
- guidance to inspectors in enforcing the Liquor Act and regulations;
- tastings and sampling of alcohol products; and
- procedures or approvals in principle.
You can receive a barring order for:
- being intoxicated;
- being noisy, riotous, quarrelsome, violent, disorderly or profane; or
- acting in a manner contravening a federal statute, Yukon statute or city or municipal by-law.
A licensee who fails to maintain an orderly premises faces the possibility of losing their licence. The liquor regulations give a licensee the discretion to issue a barring order and for how long. If you do not agree with the barring order you need to appeal it to the Liquor Board.
When the board hears your appeal they will:
- take a common sense approach; and
- consider the statutory obligations of a licensee in the Liquor Act and regulations.
These are some of the factors that will be considered by the board.
- The degree of seriousness and the frequency of the behaviour that caused the barring order. This includes any danger to staff members, customers or the property of the licensee or others.
- If the person got a clear warning to stop the offending behaviour if there was the circumstances to do so.
- The length of the barring order. Although every appeal will be decided on the facts presented, a barring order for a period of years would require strong evidence of:
- harm that has happened; or
- is likely to happen.
- Where the conduct that led to the barring order happened. A barring order can be based on conduct in an unrelated licensed premises. The board will consider if there could be any adverse consequences if a person does not have reasonable access to:
- purchase liquor from a licensed premises; and
- consume liquor in a licensed premises.
There's no time limit for an appeal to be made to the board. You can appeal a barring order months or even years after you received it.
To appeal a barring order you must mail or email:
- the circumstances of what happened to cause the barring order; and
- why you do not feel the decision or the length of time of the barring order is fair and reasonable.
Tab 1 of the Liquor Board policy manual will help you understand more about a barring order and the appeal process.
To mail your appeal send it to:
Yukon Liquor Corporation Board
9031 Quartz Road
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4P9
To email your appeal send it to [email protected].
The board will review your appeal at its next meeting and may require both you and the licensee to attend that meeting.
The current board members are:
Clarence Timmons, member from June 27, 2024 to June 26, 2027
Deborah Bartlette, member from August 13, 2022, and chair from February 8, 2024, to August 12, 2025
Eva Bidrman, member and chair from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2027
Lacia Kinnear, member from June 27, 2024 to June 26, 2027
Any Yukon resident is eligible to apply to serve on the Yukon Liquor Board.
To contact the Liquor Board email the board secretary, y[email protected] or phone 867-667-5265 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5265.