Yukon's early learning curriculum framework will:
- introduce consistent language to describe children’s learning;
- set out expectations for the design of the learning environment;
- emphasize the concept of reflective practice;
- encourage increased communication with parents; and
- suggest approaches for documentation of children’s learning.
How we're developing the framework
We contracted an early learning curriculum specialist to work with an advisory committee that has 17 members. The committee includes people from across Yukon, including representatives of:
- child care centres and family day homes in Whitehorse and the communities;
- First Nations;
- Yukon College;
- the Child Development Centre;
- Partners for Children; and
- the Yukon Child Care Association.
There will be opportunities for questions and discussion as we develop the framework.
What are other jurisdictions' frameworks like?
Early learning frameworks have a lot of consistency across Canada. They're grounded in the belief that young children are:
- naturally curious;
- competent;
- full of potential; and
- born with an intrinsic desire and capacity to learn.
Read other governments' frameworks
Early learning and child care agreement
The Canada-Yukon Early Learning and Child Care Agreement provides Yukon with more than $7 million in funding over 3 years. It was signed in February 2018 by the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon.
The funding supports 4 main areas of early learning and child care.
- Improving affordability and accessibility.
- Improving quality through training.
- Innovation.
- Providing inclusive child care programs.
Read the 2020–21 Canada-Yukon Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.
For questions about early learning and child care email [email protected]. In Whitehorse, call 867-667-3492.