The Government of Yukon has the following updates on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 case count
As of today, August 12, at 2 p.m. the COVID-19 case count is 15. Yukon currently has 13 recovered cases and 2,062 people have been tested.
Masks in schools
Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health is recommending to the Department of Education that children age 10 and older wear non-medical masks where physical distancing cannot be maintained, such as on school buses. Children under 10 can use masks in these settings but it is not specifically recommended. The Department of Education will ensure all schools have access to masks for situations where they are needed or recommended by the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Schools will decide where masks should be worn within each school. The Chief Medical Officer of Health has recommended that they are not required in classrooms where students are well-spaced.
Community Wellbeing Survey closes September 6
The Community Wellbeing Survey has received more than 2,300 responses and will remain open through September 6. The purpose of the survey is to help inform quality of life improvements by better understanding public perceptions of wellbeing in Yukon communities and the impacts of coronavirus public health measures to date.
The survey is available online at and paper copies can be requested by emailing [email protected]. Completed paper copy surveys can be returned directly to the Yukon Bureau of Statistics on Main Street in Whitehorse (third floor of the Hougen Centre) or at the Main Administration Building inquiry desk on Second Avenue in Whitehorse (the Yukon Legislative Assembly building).
Stay home if sick
While it has been one of the Safe 6 throughout the duration of the pandemic, staying home when sick has never been more important. Anyone who is feeling unwell should not go to school or work. If you do not feel well, check your symptoms against the COVID-19 list of symptoms, complete the online assessment and get tested if it is recommended.
Enforcement statistics
Since April 29, 33,285 travellers have entered or passed through Yukon. Of those, 6,179 were Yukoners, 4,129 were from British Columbia and 14,886 were non-residents transiting through the territory. To date, Yukon has issued 149 visitor decals for non-residents. The Government of Yukon Emergency Coordination Centre has received 568 complaints since April 29. Six individuals have been charged for violating the Civil Emergency Measures Act.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]
Ben Horowitz
Communications, Executive Council Office
[email protected]
Pat Living
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]