The Government of Yukon and The Salvation Army have reached an agreement in principle to transfer the ownership and operations of the Centre of Hope to the Government of Yukon. The agreement is subject to Management Board approval.
The agreement in principle was reached through a collaborative process undertaken between the two parties. Both organizations have a keen interest in ensuring that vulnerable and at risk Yukoners receive the services and supports that they need, and that interest has been a driving force in this process.
Throughout the remainder of December and January, Health and Social Services staff will begin working side-by-side with Salvation Army staff to facilitate the transition of services. At the end of January, ownership of the building will transfer to Government of Yukon with Health and Social Services taking on full oversight of services and programming.
Our government has been working in partnership with the Salvation Army to support operations at the Centre of Hope since it opened. Together we recognize that the services provided at the Centre are not meeting the unique needs of our community. As a result, we have come to a mutual agreement to transfer the building and program operations to the Government of Yukon. The transfer of services will allow The Salvation Army to focus on other roles within the community. We look forward to continuing to work with them to support those in need in our community.
The Salvation Army is currently in the process of transferring ownership and operation of the Centre of Hope to the Yukon government. We have served in the community of Whitehorse for the past 40 years and will continue to do so into the future. We value the Whitehorse community and remain committed to assisting and serving the most vulnerable in this community through other relevant programs and services.
The Salvation Army Centre of Hope opened in October 2017. The Government of Yukon contributed $13.4 million and The Salvation Army contributed $1.1 million to the project.
The Government of Yukon currently provides The Salvation Army with $1.2 million per year for operation and maintenance of the Centre of Hope.
Along with the soup kitchen, the Centre of Hope has 25 shelter beds and 20 transitional living suites, 10 for men and 10 for women. It also has drop-in space and multi-purpose rooms.
The Government of Yukon will assume ownership of the Centre of Hope on January 31, 2019.
The facility will be known as Support Services for a period of time until a collaborative naming process can occur.
The Salvation Army will retain its offices and Church on Black Street and will continue to provide services to the Adult Resource Centre.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]
Pat Living
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]
Major Al Hoeft
Area Commander
[email protected]