Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations meet for Yukon Forum

Yukon’s Premier, Cabinet members, Council of Yukon First Nations Chief and Yukon First Nations Chiefs met today at the Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House in Whitehorse for the Yukon Forum.

Leaders discussed mining, economic development, the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework and the next Intergovernmental Forum with the federal government.

It is fitting that we met today, on the 46th anniversary of Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow and the 26th anniversary of the Umbrella Final Agreement. The work we are doing through the Yukon Forum embodies the vision of Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow by supporting two-way communication and a fair and just partnership between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Today’s agenda included mining and economic development which allowed for further strategic conversations and progress on these issues that affect all Yukoners. We also discussed the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework and our approach to the next Intergovernmental Forum. Both of these items involve the federal government and we are working together to have a unified approach from Yukon.  

Premier Sandy Silver

On the 46th anniversary of Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow, Yukon First Nations work diligently to ensure the vision of our leaders is implemented. We acknowledge the significant advancements made to date, however, Yukon First Nations recognize that much work continues to be done.

Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston

Quick facts
  • The Yukon Forum is a meeting of the political leaders of the Government of Yukon, Yukon First Nations governments and the Council of Yukon First Nations.

  • The Yukon Forum meets four times a year.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Shari-Lynn MacLellan
Communications, Aboriginal Relations, Executive Council Office
[email protected]

Juliann Fraser
Communications, Council of Yukon First Nations
867-393-9200 ext.: 9223
[email protected]

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