Help set Yukon standards for animal care

Yukoners are being asked to help improve the legal framework that governs the protection and control of animals in the Yukon. The Government of Yukon will be visiting communities around the territory this fall to engage on standards around the protection and control of domestic, feral and exotic animals in order to keep communities safe and make sure animals have proper care.

The public engagement will look at the Dog Act and the Animal Protection Act, the primary pieces of legislation in Yukon for the protection and control of domestic animals. Discussion will also include matters of animal control, such as dogs roaming communities, feral and exotic animals, animal organizations, animal-based businesses and enforcement.

Yukoners love animals and are passionate about their care and protection. We have heard already from many communities and organizations that changes are needed to address public safety and animal protection in our territory. We want to hear from as many Yukoners as possible to help guide the future of animal care standards and help make our territory a safer place for animals and people alike.

Minister of Environment Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • The Animal Protection Act protects the welfare of companion animals and livestock. It sets out some responsibilities of owners and allows for an animal protection officer or the RCMP to intervene to seize abandoned animals or animals subjected to cruelty or abuse.

  • The Dog Act includes some provisions for the welfare of owned dogs, but mostly relates to the control of dogs. It prohibits dogs from running at large anywhere in Yukon when those dogs are acting aggressively or are in heat. Regulations under the Act also set out areas in Yukon where dogs are not permitted to roam at large under any circumstances.

  • Yukon municipalities may enact and enforce bylaws for animal control and protection. These bylaws, should they exist, compliment these territorial laws and can give a more comprehensive framework for animal care.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Erin Loxam
Communications, Environment
[email protected]

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