Midwifery engagement What We Heard report released today

The Government of Yukon has released a report on the results of the midwifery public engagement. The What We Heard document reflects the views expressed by participating Yukoners during the engagement period in the fall of 2018.

The purpose of this public engagement was to gain a better understanding of Yukoners’ perspectives as the territory moves towards regulating, funding and integrating midwifery into the healthcare system. Between September 20 and December 14, 2018 more than 600 Yukoners participated in the online survey and in-person focus groups.

Overall, participants supported regulating and publicly funding midwifery, as well as the proposed approach to first establish midwife-led birthing in Whitehorse while offering some pre- and post-natal midwifery services in the communities.

This engagement has reinforced our understanding of Yukoners’ desire to have access to regulated and funded midwifery services. We have received valuable feedback that we will use as we work toward regulating, funding and integrating midwifery into our existing healthcare system.

Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost

This public engagement provided us extensive and detailed information and insights from both Yukoners and our territory’s healthcare professionals. Thanks to all Yukoners for their input. The results of this engagement signal to us that regulating midwifery is a priority for Yukoners and we are working now to make this a viable option by the end of 2019.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • The online survey was open from September 20 to November 16, 2018 and received 618 responses. In-person focus groups were held between October 22 and December 14 in Whitehorse, Dawson City and Watson Lake. In addition, one teleconference focus group was held for people located outside of those three communities. In total 15 focus groups were held with 80 participants.

  • Focus groups included participants from the public as well as targeted stakeholder groups including midwives, physicians and community nurses.

  • Over 75 per cent of survey respondents said that access to pre- and post-natal midwifery services was very important to them.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Clarissa Wall
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]

Odile Nelson
Communications, Community Services
[email protected]

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