National Advance Care Planning Day a reminder to plan ahead

April 16 marks National Advance Care Planning Day.  Health and Social Services Minister Pauline Frost and Yukon’s palliative care physicians, Dr. Danusia Kanachowski and Dr. Alex Kmet, would like to remind people of the importance of having a care plan in place and talking to loved ones and health care providers about their personal care preferences and wishes.

In Yukon, individuals can file advance directives. An advance directive allows an individual of any age to plan for an unexpected illness or accident that leaves them unable to communicate the kind of health care and support they want, or don’t want. An advance directive names a substitute decision maker who can speak on their behalf. It is a written statement of an individual's values and how they'd like to be cared for when acutely ill or near the end of their life.

On National Advance Care Planning Day, I encourage all Yukoners to make a plan for what they want to happen in the unfortunate event that they are unable to communicate their wishes. It is not a thought we want to entertain but it is important that we do so and plan appropriately. Today is also an important opportunity to highlight those who work in the area of palliative care for the quality care they provide.

Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost

Today gives us the opportunity to remind people of the importance of planning ahead. As physicians who work with palliative patients, we are most often there at the end. If a patient has a plan and their families are aware of that plan, it can be such a gentler end.  Family and caregivers should know what an individual’s wishes are.

Palliative care physician Dr. Danusia Kanachowski 

Quick facts
  • The Care Consent Act deals with consent and substitute consent to health care and sets out the requirements for a valid advance directive.

  • Anyone over the age of 16 who is capable, can make a directive which appoints a proxy and sets out future health care wishes.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Pat Living
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]

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