Premier Sandy Silver participated in a meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau, the federal Minister of Intergovernmental and Northern Affairs and Internal Trade, and Premiers at the annual First Ministers’ Meeting.
The meeting heard from Ambassador David MacNaughton, federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change Katherine McKenna, federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau, and federal Minister of Intergovernmental and Northern Affairs and Internal Trade Dominic LeBlanc on a range of economic and environmental issues.
Many of the topics discussed today link closely to the Government of Yukon’s priorities including growing and diversifying the economy and reducing the impacts of climate change.
First Ministers also met with leaders of the National Indigenous Organizations, including Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Natan Obed, and Metis National Council President Clement Chartier and Vice President David Chartrand.
After the meeting, Premier Sandy Silver issued the following statement:
“This was a valuable opportunity to advocate for Yukoners at the national table and to participate in decisions that affect Yukon.
"A major theme of today’s meeting was the improvement of economic competitiveness both at home and abroad, as well as ways that provinces and territories can collaborate on initiatives for the benefit of Yukoners, and indeed all Canadians. I look forward to the ongoing conversations that will stem from today’s meeting, including a broad conversation about electricity, a utility corridor, getting remote communities off diesel and a commitment to collaborate on clean growth. These are of specific interest to our government.
"Just as we stand behind the value of respectful relations with First Nations, we stand by the value of cooperation between all regions in Canada. As First Ministers, when we gather it is an opportunity to put our collective strength toward discussions that benefit all Canadians. I was very pleased see my colleagues put aside partisan differences in favour of a mature conversation about issues that matter to Canadians and will help continue to build a strong future for our nation.”
Premier Sandy Silver
The First Minister’s Meeting is an annual meeting between the Prime Minister and provincial and territorial Premiers.
The focus of this year’s meeting was economic growth and competitiveness.
The Government of Yukon’s enduring priorities include:
- our people-centred approach to wellness helps Yukoners thrive;
- our strong government-to-government relationships with First Nations foster reconciliation;
- our strategic investments build healthy, vibrant, sustainable communities; and
- our diverse, growing economy provides good jobs for Yukoners in an environmentally-responsible way.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]
Ben Horowitz
Communications, Executive Council Office
[email protected]