TAO Tel-Aide to continue providing French-speaking help line services

The Government of Yukon has renewed an agreement with TAO Tel-Aide to provide French-speaking help line services in Yukon for another three years.

Since 2017, Yukon Francophones have had access to a confidential telephone service where they can receive emotional support in French. The help line is based out of south-western Quebec and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The 1-800-567-9699 line is free and confidential. Experienced volunteers, supported by a team of professionals, are there to listen. 

This three-year agreement extension with TAO Tel-Aide will continue to offer assistance to French-speaking Yukoners that are experiencing psychological distress or in need of emotional support.

TAO Tel-Aide has proven to be a positive tool in providing mental health supports to French speakers across Yukon. When in crisis, it’s never easy to express your feelings, especially if you have to do it in a second language. I know that we are all under a lot of stress due to the pandemic and sometimes talking to someone is just what we need.

Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost

French-speaking Yukoners can continue to access a telephone helpline in their own language 24 hours per day, every day thanks to a successful partnership between the Francophone community and our government. It is important that all Yukoners have access to supports during these challenging times.

Minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate John Streicker

It is with enthusiasm that the TAO Tel-Aide team and I welcome the news of a three-year extension of our agreement with the Government of Yukon. TAO Tel-Aide is pleased to offer quality listening services in French that are helping reduce the isolation and psychological distress among Francophones living in a minority situation.

TAO Tel-Aide Executive Director Monique Chartrand

We are very pleased and reassured that this agreement is renewed. We want to thank the Government of Yukon for their ongoing commitment on this issue. It is critical that our community has access to this type of service in French at all times, more importantly during this health crisis.

President of the Association franco-yukonnaise (AFY) Jeanne Beaudoin

More than ever, we understand the link between mental health and our general wellbeing. To be able to be supported, and able to access resources and referral in your own language through a warm line such as TAO Tel-Aide is essential during these trying time.

Director of Partenariat communauté en santé (PCS) Sandra St Laurent

Quick facts
  • The new contract with (TAO) Tel-Aide is valued at $79,570 and will end on March 31, 2023. It is being funded by the French Language Services Directorate.

  • The Government of Canada has been providing funding to the Government of Yukon under contribution agreements to develop, enhance and implement French-language services in the territory since 1988.

  • (TAO) Tel-Aide provides similar services to Alberta and Ontario as well as Quebec. It is a non-profit organization founded in 1974 and supported by more than 55 trained volunteers.

  • (TAO) Tel-Aide volunteers are trained to respond to people of all ages, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and physical condition. People can talk to them about their mental health, loneliness, grief, stressful situations, and negative thoughts or simply talk and be listened to. 

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Julie Ménard
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]

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