Yukon Aging in Place Action Plan released

The Government of Yukon has released its Aging in Place Action Plan, which sets the collaborative direction for how governments, community groups, families and individuals can work together to support the health and wellness outcomes of seniors and Elders in the territory.

The vision of the Aging in Place Action Plan is to ensure that Yukoners can access the supports needed to live safe, independent, and comfortable lives in their own home or community for as long as possible, regardless of age, income or ability level. In total, it recommends 56 specific actions to help achieve that vision.

The action plan was developed based on extensive public engagement in 2018 and 2019 with seniors and Elders, governments, NGOs and community organizations. In total, more than 1,200 Yukoners participated in the engagement.

The Aging in Place Action Plan complements Putting People First, the final report of the comprehensive review of Yukon’s health and social services. About a third of the recommendations in Putting People First are relevant to the Aging in Place Action Plan.

To help Yukoners live healthy lives, the Government of Yukon has begun the work of implementing the recommendations and actions in the Aging in Place Action Plan and Putting People First, in addition to pursuing the goals and objectives identified in the Housing Action Plan for Yukon and the Safe at Home Plan to end and prevent homelessness.

We all have a role to play in helping Yukoners age in place. This plan provides a framework by which governments, First Nations, NGOs, the private sector, individuals, families and communities can work together to ensure that Yukoners can live full and meaningful lives as they age. Our government is committed to helping Yukon’s aging population live safe, independent, and comfortable lives surrounded by strong and supportive communities.

Minister of Health and Social Services and Minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • The action plan outlines four pillars for action: living a full and meaningful life; housing; transportation; and programs, services and infrastructure.

  • Some of the recommended actions in the plan are already underway or will be actioned immediately. Others are future steps that will require ongoing collaboration and partnership between the Government of Yukon and key community stakeholders.

  • It’s projected that Yukon’s senior population will more than double in the next 20 years.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Michael Edwards
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]

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