Yukon Liquor Corporation identifies retail cannabis location

The Yukon Liquor Corporation’s temporary retail cannabis store will be located at 120B Industrial Road.

The 1,500 square foot space is currently under a Government of Yukon lease and fits the retail store requirements for size, zoning and proximity to the Yukon Liquor Corporation (YLC) warehouse. The retail location is scheduled to open when cannabis legalization occurs.

YLC also recently entered into its second cannabis supply agreement with the Canopy Growth Corporation. YLC continues to source additional suppliers to ensure a diverse and quality tested line of products will be available upon legalization. Product assortment will include a range of prices from approximately $8 per gram and up, depending on the products and suppliers. YLC plans to include locally produced products when they become available.

Securing a temporary retail location and establishing supply agreements ensures Yukoners will have access to cannabis once it becomes legal. Setting the base price for cannabis at $8 per gram means we will displace more of the illegal market. Development of the licensing and regulatory framework to allow for private retail sales is now underway.

Minister responsible for Yukon Liquor Corporation John Streicker

Quick facts
  • There are currently no licensed cannabis producers in Yukon. Health Canada licenses cannabis producers.

  • YLC has a cannabis supply agreement with Tilray Canada Ltd.

  • All supply agreements are demand-based, meaning that future purchases from suppliers are to be based on sales, consumer preference, competitive prices and quality assurance.

  • YLC is developing an e-commerce retail store to enable purchase online, in addition to the temporary physical location in Whitehorse.

  • The Cannabis Control and Regulation Act passed during the 2018 spring sitting of the Legislative Assembly.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Patch Groenewegen
Manager of Social Responsibility, Policy & Planning
Yukon Liquor Corporation
[email protected]

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