The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
March 30, 2020: Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health provides update on COVID-19
Yukon's Chief Medical Officer of Health has issued the following update on COVID-19 in Yukon.
Recycling services, tipping fees temporarily suspended in light of COVID-19 pandemic
Recycling depots and free stores will be closed as of April 1, 2020 until further notice.
Commissioner launches the Daisy Mason Wellness Fund
The Commissioner of Yukon, the Bishop of the Anglican Church and the Skookum Jim Indian Trust Fund are working together to launch the Daisy Mason Wellness Fund.
March 27, 2020: Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health provides update on COVID-19
Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley has an update on measures being taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yukon declares state of emergency in response to COVID-19
To further protect Yukoners, government is declaring a state of emergency under the Civil Emergency Measures Act.
Special guide licence application period delayed
Special guide licence lottery application period is being delayed and reassessed before June, but permit hunt authorization will continue as planned.
Interim supports for arts and culture sectors announced
Three temporary funding initiatives in place to support Yukon artists, businesses, not-for-profit organizations and collectives during COVID-19 pandemic.
Government announces $1 million increase to tourism cooperative marketing fund
Government injects $1 million into tourism industry COVID-19 relief
Potential COVID-19 exposure in Yukon
The Government of Yukon is notifying Yukoners of two possible sources of COVID-19 exposure in the territory.
Government of Yukon is making sure Yukoners have home security during COVID-19
Government of Yukon protects residential tenants affected by COVID-19 with eviction protection measures.