The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT provides opportunity to practise emergency response
Operation NANOOK-TATIGIIT is taking place in Yukon this May and June. The event will provide vital lessons about the territory’s emergency preparedness
Air quality advisory for Watson Lake area
Smoke is currently visible in the Watson Lake area due to wildfires near High Level, Alberta.
Ch’ihilii Chìk Habitat Protection Area established
Signing ceremony for new habitat protection area to held May 17 in Old Crow.

Residents of Old Crow to benefit from new community centre
New community centre being built in Old Crow.
Two Yukon films are screening at Cannes
Two Yukon films, The Changeling and Grey Mountain, are part of a showcase at Cannes this week.

Government of Yukon encourages participation in national physical activity challenge
The Government of Yukon is encouraging Yukoners to get moving and take part in ParticipACTION’s first ever Community Better Challenge.

The Government of Yukon is working to improve services to LGBTQ2S+ communities
What We Heard: Public Engagement on LGBTQ2S+ Inclusion in Government Services is now available.
Government of Yukon seeking feedback on Yukon University legislation
Yukoners can provide feedback on important aspects of the new legislation that will oversee the transition of Yukon College to Yukon University.
Commissioner’s Award for Voluntary Public Service given to George Skookum during National Aboriginal Hockey Tournament
The Honourable Angélique Bernard, Commissioner of Yukon presented George Skookum with the Commissioner’s Award for his volunteer service.

Government of Yukon to change waste management system
The Government of Yukon has announced changes to the waste management system.