Travel expense report for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Social Policy Forum, May 12 to 15, 2018

Department: Health and Social Services
Location: Montreal, Quebec
Purpose of the trip: Minister Frost participated in this international policy forum, hosted by the federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, on social policy challenges and opportunities and how governments can respond through people-centred policies that support economic competitiveness and productivity and resilient social structures.


  • Pauline Frost, Minister of Health and Social Services

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $2,766.33
Accommodation: $824.67
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $442.86

Total costs for this trip: $4,033.86

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Pauline Frost (May 12 to 15) 

Airfare: $2,766.33
Accommodation: $824.67
Other: $442.86
Total: $4,033.86

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