Nominate someone for an Outstanding Youth Achievement Award

These awards are for Yukon youth who:

  • are involved in their Yukon communities in constructive and positive ways such as volunteering, fundraising, helping seniors and Elders and being a positive role model;
  • are a Yukon resident and between 15 and 20 years old by April 1 of the nomination year; and
  • have bettered themselves, their community and others through their actions.

Nominate someone for an Outstanding Youth Achievement Award

  1. The nominee must meets the award criteria.
  2. Complete the nomination form.
  3. Submit the form:
    Email: [email protected]

Nomination deadline

Nominations will be accepted between January 1 and May 1 every year.

Recipients will receive:

  • $250;
  • a poster featuring their photo and synopsis of their achievements; and
  • a certificate of recognition from the Commissioner's Office.

Selection process and criteria

  • Our staff select the recipients. We try to select 2 youth from Yukon communities and 2 from Whitehorse when possible.
  • We contact award recipients once we make a decision.

These awards are sponsored by the Youth Directorate in partnership with the Office of the Commissioner.


For questions about nominating someone for an Outstanding Youth Achievement Award email [email protected] or phone: 867-667-8213.

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