Màn Tl’àt (Shallow Bay) area development regulations
The Government of Yukon and Ta'an Kwäch'än Council are working with local community members to develop area development regulations for the Màn Tl’àt area.
Màn Tl’àt is the traditional Southern Tutchone name for what is now called Shallow Bay.
What’s happening now?
The Government of Yukon and Ta’an Kwächän Council are collaborating to determine how to proceed with planning and zoning in the Shallow Bay area after the 2021 summer floods.
They have paused the process until the Government of Yukon works towards completing detailed flood risk mapping for 14 communities, including Lake Laberge and Shallow Bay, by 2023.
Information on the draft zoning and process is available below. This includes the September 2022 What We Heard report that summarizes public and Ta’an Kwächän Council Citizen feedback on the draft zoning.
The development area
The proposed development area is approximately 16.7 square kilometres and is located north of Whitehorse. The area is west of the south end of Lake Laberge.
What are area development regulations?
Development area regulations divide a community into zones that permit different land uses. This is also called zoning.
Zoning is used to:
- provide for orderly development;
- separate areas of incompatible land use;
- ensure public safety; and
- promote the neighbourly use of private land.
Who’s on the zoning committee?
Government of Yukon appointees:
- Don Allen
- Pat Hogan
- Nellie Dale
Ta'an Kwäch'än Council appointees:
- Ruth Massie
- Betsy Jackson (alternate)
Contact the planners
Mike Ellis
Government of Yukon
Community land use planning manager
Phone: 867-456-3853
Email: [email protected]
Natalie Leclerc
Ta’an Kwäch’än Council
Land use planning coordinator
Phone: 867-668-3613 extension 604
Email: [email protected]