Get funding for your positive youth development project

Youth Roots projects help prevent substance use among Yukon youth. It facilitates grants for researchers, policy makers, practitioners and community members.

These grants will help support positive physical and social environments for youth. This funding aims to reduce cannabis and other substance use by strengthening protective factors and reducing risk factors that lead to it. This project seeks to support community efforts for the greatest possible societal good.

Four key goals of our project are to:

  1. Gather information on community protective and risk factors.
  2. Engage with communities on best prevention practices.
  3. Share what we know about youth substance use in the Yukon.
  4. Provide grants to support existing and emerging prevention projects.

What is the Youth Roots Grant?

The Youth Roots Grant supports building social, emotional, and physical spaces where youth thrive. When youth are engaged, they are less likely to engage in unhealthy risk-taking behaviours. Healthy behaviours like physical, creative, cultural, and social activities can have positive effects. Reducing problematic substance use improves the mental health of youth.

Youth Roots Grant supports substance use prevention community efforts and community-driven initiatives. This can be either new or existing programs. These efforts aim to prevent onset of use or harm from cannabis and other substances.
The Youth Roots Grant funds projects that help youth thrive:

  • socially;
  • emotionally; and
  • physically.

The goal is to promote protective factors that benefit the community. Some examples are:

  • a weekly girls' group;
  • a trail-building program;
  • on-the-land activities; and
  • opportunities to engage with culture.

Who can apply?

  • Registered organizations in good standing under the Societies Act
  • Yukon-based not-for-profit corporations incorporated under the federal Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
  • Charitable organizations
  • Schools and early learning programs
  • Municipal and First Nations governments

Projects and events criteria

Criteria 1

Projects should address cannabis and other substance use by:

  • reducing risk factors; and
  • promoting protective factors.

The project should:

  • promote social and mental wellbeing; and
  • build on the strengths of the community and participants.

Criteria 2

Projects should help stop substance use and allow youth to thrive by:

  • increasing community engagement and capacity;
  • helping people and organizations recognize their strengths and develop new skills; and
  • helping people build positive environments together.

Criteria 3

Cannabis- and substance-use prevention projects should:

  • facilitate research;
  • share knowledge;
  • gather or share information on current or new initiatives; and
  • inform meaningful health indicators for youth.

Criteria 4

Projects should identify and address the needs of high-priority populations in rural communities, such as:

  • young women (ages 13 to 19);
  • youth (ages 13 to 24); and
  • youth and families in rural communities.

Your proposal has to address five or more of Yukon’s 40 Developmental Assets for positive youth development.

Projects do not need to be directly targeted at youth themselves. They can involve anyone that plays a role to prevent use or harms from cannabis and other substances.

They could involve:

  • parents,
  • caregivers,
  • adult allies, or
  • youth leaders.

Priority will be given to projects:

  • with high-priority populations;
  • not already receiving significant funding outside of this grant; and
  • based in rural communities.

Eligible expenses

  • Human resources, but not ongoing staff wages (for example, a facilitator)
  • Honorarium (for example, payment to Elders or youth)
  • Equipment and supplies needed to complete the project (for example, office supplies, food and sports equipment)
  • Programs and events (for example, conferences and wellness programs)
  • Knowledge or skill development (for example, training courses and workshops)
  • Research and planning (for example, gathering information and promotion)
  • Facility rental
  • Printing and advertising

Ineligible expenses

The funding does not cover operating costs such as rent and utilities.

How much money can you apply for?

You can apply for between $500 and $5,000. Applications for this grant should include a detailed budget not higher than $5,000.

If the project requires funding greater than $5000, please indicate on the application. Further funding may be allotted based on number and type of applications received.

Application deadlines

There are two rounds of intakes:  

  • May 30, 2025; and
  • September 29, 2025.

How to submit your proposal

  1. Contact the Health Promotion Unit to find out if your project or event is eligible.
  2. Complete the application.
  3. Submit your application before the deadline.
    In person: 305 Jarvis Street, 2nd floor in Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Email: y[email protected] 
    Fax: 867-456-6502​
    Government of Yukon
    Health Promotion Unit (H-305)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

When will you hear about your proposal

We'll notify all applicants by email or phone within two weeks of the application intake deadline.


  • A final report that includes an expense report.

If you have questions about your proposed project, email [email protected] or phone 867-332-8530.

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