The Enterprise Trade Fund (ETF) encourages business development and market expansion beyond Yukon.
- Yukon-registered businesses that carry out business activity in the territory, has up-to-date-filing and doesn't owe money to the government. Email [email protected] to find out if your business is in good standing.
- Business-related organization. These are usually non-profit organizations with a mandate to support business and industry growth and development. Examples are a municipal chamber of commerce or an industry association.
- All industries will be considered for eligibility.
- We will consider businesses with import substitution: your business must be the only provider of the good or service in Yukon.
Eligible expenses
- You can apply for funding to attend out-of-territory events that serve as opportunities to increase market expansion. There must be a reasonable expectation that attendance will result in increased investment in your products and services or a substantial increase in sales—normally at a wholesale level.
- This funding allows one representative or delegate to participate at events or conferences. If you require an additional representative to attend, you need to provide a reason in your application. In these situations, support may be available on a case-by-case basis.
- You can hire a consultant to complete a business development strategy, such as marketing. Include at least 2 quotes from different consultants with a rationale for your preferred consultant. You can't enter into a contract with a consultant before we approve your application and you can't owe the consultant any money relating to the project.
- GST/HST is an eligible expense only for a business that qualifies as a small supplier and is not registered for a GST number. A small supplier has total taxable sales of less than $30,000.
What is not eligible?
Some examples are:
- paying for expenses that happened before your application was approved;
- purchasing capital assets;
- leasehold improvements;
- tourism marketing initiatives that are eligible under the Tourism Co-operative Marketing Fund; or
- operation- and maintenance-related expenses. This includes things like salary, office maintenance and website work.
- Up to 75% of eligible costs for professional development, investment attraction, marketing and business development activities, to a maximum of $50,000.
- Up to 50% of eligible costs for business plans, to a maximum of $10,000.
Meet with a program officer before you get started
A program officer will help you prepare your application. They will guide you through the process and answers any questions you may have. This will ensure you have everything you need to submit your application without delays, and you can discuss additional applications.
Who can write the application?
You can fill out your own application or you can have someone else write and submit the application and be the point-of-contact on your behalf. That person needs your written authorization to be your representative. A consultant benefiting from this project can't be the representative or the point of contact.
Make sure you have signed and approved the content of your application before submission.
Items to include in your budget
Provide quotes for your budget. The program officer will contact you for additional details on budgeted items or other related items in your application.
Business applicants
- Read the Enterprise Trade Fund Guidelines.
- Complete an application form for business applicants.
- Submit your application.
In person: 303 Alexander Street (first floor) in Whitehorse, Yukon. The Enterprise Trade Fund office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
Film and sound applicants
- Read the Enterprise Trade Fund Guidelines.
- Complete an application form for media applicants and a cash flow worksheet.
- Submit your application.
In person: 303 Alexander Street (second floor) in Whitehorse, Yukon. The Yukon Media Development office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
How long does it take us to make a decision?
Once your application is complete, you will hear from us:
- within 10 business days for projects requesting less than $10,000; and
- within 20 business days for projects requesting over $10,000.
Can I edit or add to my application after I submit it
- Before we make a decision on your application, you can add to or edit your application. Contact us as soon as you're aware a change is necessary.
- Once your project is approved, you can add to or edit your application. This may require a new approval process and be subject to different conditions and requirements. Contact us as soon as you're aware a change is necessary.
Receive your funding
You may not be approved for the full amount you requested. Projects and contribution amounts are approved on a case-by-case basis. Email [email protected] or phone 867-456-3803 if you have any questions about this.
We will contact you to go over our transfer payment agreement and answer any questions you may have. A transfer payment agreement is a contract between the applicant and the government. It outlines the project, scope of work, funding support and deliverables your business will provide in order to receive funding.
Deliverables are the results of the project and include a written report, describing the outcome of the project, and a financial report, indicating how the money was spent.
During your project
Request a project extension
Contact us as soon as you know your project is likely to take longer than expected. We don’t automatically grant extensions and will review requests on a case-by-case basis.
Payment details are in Schedule B of your transfer payment agreement. An initial payment may be possible after you have signed the agreement.
You will receive payments based on your actual expenses, up to the budgeted maximum.
Making changes to your project budget during the project
All changes require prior approval from our office. You may relocate dollar amounts between eligible expenditures within your approved budget. You may add items to the approved budget. Adding items without prior approval aren’t allowed.
What happens if I don’t spend all of the approved money for my project?
You will have to reimburse the Government of Yukon for expenses not incurred if you’ve already received payment
What happens if I don’t complete my project, but I’ve spent the money?
Contact us if you are unable to complete your project. If some project objectives have been met, you may be eligible for partial funding. If you have already received payment, you will be required to reimburse the government for expenses not incurred.
You don’t need to provide receipts for meals or per diems as part of your final report. You do need to show proof that your project did take place over the number of days approved in the budget and indicate which days you are claiming per diems.
Credit card statements as proof of purchase or payment
Credit card statements will not be accepted as proof of purchase in all cases. Keep all receipts for eligible expenses and submit them in your final report.
Provide a copy of your credit card statement clearly indicating the payee and the amount spent.
For business applicants: If you have questions, please email [email protected] or phone 867-456-3803 or toll-free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, ext. 3803.
For film and sound applicants: If you have questions, please email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5400 or toll-free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5400