Businesses who want to sell cannabis can apply for one of two sub-classes of a standard retail licence:
- Sub-class 1
- Sub-class 2
Sub-class 1 is a "store-within-store" model. Sub-class 2 is a "stand-alone store" model.
Sub-class 1: store-within-store

The store-within-store model has a main retail area with a dedicated cannabis area. The cannabis area exists within the larger licensed premises. There must be a clear separation between the two sales areas. Each must have its own dedicated checkout counter.
In the main retail area:
- you may allow people under the age of 19;
- you may sell any products other than cannabis and cannabis accessories; and
- customers must not be able to see or access cannabis products.
In the dedicated cannabis area:
- you may not allow people under the age of 19;
- you may only sell cannabis and cannabis accessories – you may not sell other goods or services; and
- customers must complete their cannabis purchases within the dedicated cannabis area.
You may not sell tobacco or alcohol in either area unless you have permission from a municipal bylaw or a Ministerial Order.
Sub-class 2: stand-alone store

The stand-alone store model is a cannabis retail store. You can only sell cannabis and cannabis accessories in the store.
In the licensed premises:
- people under 19 years may not enter;
- you may only sell cannabis and cannabis accessories – you may not sell other goods or services;
- customers must not be able to see or access cannabis products; and
- you may not allow tobacco and alcohol, unless permitted by a municipal bylaw or a Ministerial Order.
You must follow these requirements for both licence types
For your business's building, grounds and staff:
- No one can consume cannabis within the licensed premises.
- You and your staff must complete criminal record checks. They must also complete the Yukon Liquor Corporation's approved server training (BARS-Cannabis).
- You must secure your business with a burglar alarm and video surveillance system. You must use a legal Yukon agent or agency to design and track the system. Once you have a plan for the system, the Yukon Liquor Corporation must approve it. Then you can have it installed.
- Your business's maximum hours of operation are from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. This is set by the Cannabis Act and Regulations. Municipalities can further limit these hours through bylaws.
- Your business must be set back at least 150 metres from an elementary or secondary school. To do otherwise, you need approval through a municipal bylaw or Ministerial Order.
For your product:
- You must buy all cannabis products from the Yukon Liquor Corporation.
- You must arrange for the transportation of product from the Yukon Liquor Corporation to your business.
- You must sell product in its original and sealed package.
- You may not use bulk bins or self-serve.
- You may use display containers (such as smell jars) as long as the containers are secure.
- You may not open or consume cannabis products within the store.
- If a customer returns a product and you do a refund, you must do so as soon as possible and secure the product left at the store.
- You must track and report sales to the Yukon Liquor Corporation to fulfil your Health Canada obligation. Health Canada requires seed-to-sale tracking.
- You must report your financial and product inventory information to the Yukon Liquor Corporation every month.