Apply to get your rent reduced

As a social housing tenant in Yukon Housing Corporation housing, you can apply to have your rent reduced for up to 3 months.

To qualify

  • You must be a Yukon Housing Corporation social housing tenant.
  • Your income must have been reduced by 20% or more.

Apply to get your rent reduced

  1. Complete the application for temporary rent reduction.
  2. Provide all documents to support your declared income and prove your loss of income. These documents include:
    • Record of Employment (ROE);
    • reduction of hours verification from your employer;
    • pension statements; and
    • pay statements.
  3. Submit your application and supporting documents.
    In person: 410 Jarvis Street in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or to the Yukon Housing Corporation Office in your community.
    Email: [email protected]
    Government of Yukon
    Yukon Housing Corporation (Y-1)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Once you are approved

You will provide us with proof of your gross income by the 5th of every month. We need this to calculate your rent. If you don't provide your proof of income, we will be base your rent on your annual income.

This support is up to 3 months per application.

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