You need a valid Yukon hunting licence if you want to hunt in the Yukon unless you are one of the exceptions.
Where to get a Yukon hunting licence
- You can renew your Yukon resident hunting licence online.
- If you are a non-resident, you can get a hunting licence online.
At Department of Environment offices
Come to any any of our offices with a piece of governmennt issued ID showing your legal name, date of birth and address. Staff will then help you get your hunting licence and any hunting seals you need.
Residency declaration
If this is your first time getting a Yukon resident hunting licence, or you did not hold a Yukon resident hunting licence last year, you will need to complete and submit a residency declaration form first.
- Download the form.
- Bring the completed form, and your government issued ID, to your local Department of Environment office. For youth under the age of 16, please come to an office with a parent or guardian for assistance completing the form.
- Once your declaration is approved, you will be able to obtain your hunting licence online or from a Department of Environment office.
A conservation officer may ask you to produce your supporting documentation for proof of residency.
Licence requirements
- Your legal name, birth date, phone number and address.
- A piece of government-issued photo ID.
- You can't hold a Yukon resident hunting licence if you already have a valid resident hunting licence from another jurisdiction.
Hunter education
You need to provide hunter education certification if you're a Yukon resident born after April 1, 1987. This can be either:
- certification from a Yukon Hunter Education and Ethics Development (HEED) course; or
- proof of government-approved hunter education from another Canadian jurisdiction.
Yukon residency
Bring in proof of residency if you are getting a Yukon resident hunting licence for the first time.
You're a Yukon resident if:
- you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
- your primary residence is in the Yukon for at least 12 months before applying for a licence; and
- you have spent at least 185 days in the Yukon during that period.
If you reside in the Yukon but leave for school, work or medical reasons, you may qualify for a resident hunting licence. Visit a Department of Environment office to complete a residency exemption declaration form.
Non-residents who want to hunt big game need to hunt with an outfitter or special guide. Non-residents must be 12 or older to get a Yukon big game hunting licence.
Non-residents can get small game hunting licence and hunt small game and game birds without a guide.
Hunting prohibitions in another jurisdiction
If you are prohibited from hunting in any other jurisdiction, you cannot get any Yukon hunting licence until you are eligible to hunt in that jurisdiction again.
Hunting licences for First Nations, Inuvialuit and other Indigenous Peoples in the Yukon
To hunt outside of areas where you have subsistence harvest rights, you will need a hunting licence.
If you are a Yukon resident who is a Citizen or Member of a Yukon First Nation, the Tetlit Gwich’in or the Inuvialuit, and you wish to harvest outside of a right, you can can obtain a Yukon hunting licence at no cost from Department of Environment offices or online. Proof of eligibility is required.
You will need to have:
- an identification card issued under the Indian Act; or
- proof of enrolment under a Yukon First Nations Final Agreement, the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement or the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.
Yukon First Nation beneficiaries and Inuvialuit 55 years or older on the effective date of their Final Agreement do not need to show proof of enrolment.
Your responsibilities
Licences are valid from April 1 to March 31. You must carry your licence, permits and seals when hunting and you're legally required to produce them when asked by a Conservation Officer. You can't use or possess another person’s hunting licence, seals or permits, or let another person use yours. Make sure you are familiar with the Yukon hunting regulations summary.
Government Sales Tax (GST) will be added to all of the listed fees.
Big game licence
A big game licence allows you to hunt moose, caribou, wood bison, sheep, goat, grizzly bear, black bear, coyote, wolf and wolverine. It also allows you to hunt small game and game birds. Only Yukon resident hunters can hunt deer and elk.
You must be at least 12 years old to hold a big game licence. Youth under 16 need to hunt with an adult licence holder who is at least 19 years old. All youth are required to complete a hunter education course to get a licence.
You need to buy seals for big game species (except for wolf and coyote) before you hunt them. You may also need to apply for a Permit Hunt Authorization to hunt some species in some areas.
Big game licence fees
- Yukon resident: $10
- Non-resident Canadian: $75
- Non-resident alien: $150
- Trapping concession holder: $5
- Senior (65+) Yukon resident: Free
- First Nation or Inuvialuit: Free (see criteria under "Licence requirements")
Seal fees
You need to buy seals in addition to your big game licence for some species. You can buy seals by telephone, from Department of Environment offices or by contacting an authorized vendor.
To use the telephone option, call 867-667-5652 or toll free in the Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5652. You can pay by credit card and we will mail the seals or arrange a pick-up time.
First Nation citizens, Inuvialuit and Yukon citizens 65+ do not have to pay for their seals. Youth 14 to 16 years old may get their own seals. See the requirements in our Yukon hunting regulations summary.
- Moose $10
- Black bear $5
- Caribou $10
- Sheep $10
- Goat $10
- Elk $10
- Bison $10
- Grizzly bear $25
- Deer $50
After you hunt
You must submit a harvest report to the Department of Environment for any big game you harvest. Some biological submissions are also required.
Small game licence
A small game licence allows you to hunt snowshoe hare, arctic ground squirrel, porcupine, grouse and ptarmigan only. There is no age restriction for a small game licence. Youth under 16 need to hunt with an adult licence holder who is at least 19 years old. Youth over 12 are required to complete a hunter education course to get a licence. Youth 12 and under no longer need to complete the hunter education course to get a small game licence.
If you get a big game licence after you already have a small game licence, the small game licence is cancelled without a refund.
Small game licence fees
- Yukon resident: $5
- Non-resident Canadian or alien: $20
Hunting migratory birds
You need a Yukon hunting licence, as well as a federal migratory game bird permit. Permits are available from post offices. You must follow the Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations.
Hunting licence exceptions
- Members of a Yukon First Nation with a Final Agreement hunting for subsistence within their Traditional Territory.
- Inuvialuit hunting for subsistence on the Yukon North Slope.
- Members of a Yukon First Nation without a Final Agreement or Inuvialuit Yukon residents hunting for subsistence outside the Traditional Territory of First Nations with Final Agreements.
- Members of a Yukon First Nation hunting for subsistence in the non-overlap Traditional Territory of another First Nation with the written permission from that First Nation.
See more about subsistence harvest rights.
These exceptions don't apply to hunting bison and elk.
Environment client ID and eServices account
When you get a new licence, you will get an Environment client ID. You can use this ID to log in to Environment eServices. There you can view your client profile and access your licence, permit and harvest information.
You will need your Environment client ID, birth date and phone number to log in to your profile.
Replace your hunting licence
Replace lost or destroyed hunting licences at Department of Environment offices for $2 or you can reprint your electronic licence from your Environment eServices account free of charge.
For questions about applying for a hunting licence email [email protected] or phone: 867-667-5652 or toll free in the Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5652.