Social media directory

Find information about government news, programs and services on social media. To learn how we manage our channels, read our social media commenting policy.

Government of Yukonyukon-governmentFind out about career opportunities and information about working for the Government of Yukon


Government of Yukon (English)yukongovYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest news, and updates on programs and services.
Gouvernement du Yukon (French)leyukonfrYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest news, and updates on programs and services in French.
Beringia Interpretive CentreyukonberingiaDiscover the land called Beringia.


Community Services



Learn about the latest programs, services and news from the department of Community Services.


Conservation Officer ServicesyukoncoservicesYou’ll find updates from the Yukon Conservation Officer Services and stories from their work on the land.
EducationyukoneducationLearn about programs and initiatives related to early learning and child care, public schools, post-secondary education, and training.
Energy, Mines and Resources LibraryemrlibraryGet the latest news from this library that specializes in the Yukon’s natural resources, environment and history.
Energy SolutionsenergysolutionsyukonLearn about Good Energy rebates and energy advancements in the Yukon.
Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International AirportwhitehorseairportGet news and updates about what's happening with Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport.
Health and Social ServicesyukonhssYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest Health and Social Service news and updates.
Highways and Public WorkshpwyukonGet news and updates about what's happening with the Yukon's infrastructure.
Media DevelopmentyukonmediadevelopmentSharing news and upcoming events about the Yukon's media industries.
Motor Vehiclespeople/Yukon-Motor-Vehicles/100064743634607/Get news and updates about vehicle safety in the Yukon.
Office of the Commissioner of YukonofficeofthecommissionerofyukonFind out about the programs, awards and activities of the Commissioner of Yukon
Protective ServicesyukonprotectiveservicesLearn about life safety, fire prevention, emergency preparedness, floods, wildfires and other natural disasters. This page will also provide updates as emergencies occur in the Yukon.
Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART)sartyukonThe Sexualized Assault Response Team is a network of safe, confidential services, focused on your needs and your choices.
Travel YukontravelyukonThe official Travel Yukon Facebook page!
Tourism and CultureyukontourismcultureEducational posts and updates on programs related to heritage, arts, and other Tourism and Culture.
Women and Gender Equity DirectoratewomenandgenderequityThis page is inactive. Phone 867-667-3030 if you need assistance.
Wildlife ViewingyukonwildlifeviewingYou’ll find events, educational posts and updates on programs about Yukon wildlife.
Yukon Geological SurveyyukongeologicalsurveyFollow the government’s geology experts.
Yukon ParksygyukonparksYou’ll find updates and news about Yukon’s 60 territorial parks and campgrounds.
Yukon Public LibrariesyukonpubliclibrariesFind out about library programs, events and services, and community library programs and events.


Health and Social Services@yukonhssYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest health and social services news and updates.
Travel Yukon@travelyukonOfficial tourism organization for Yukon, Canada.
Wildlife Viewing@yukonwildlifeviewingYou’ll find events, educational posts and updates on programs about Yukon wildlife.
Yukon Geological Survey@yukongeologyFollow the government’s geology experts.
Yukon Public Libraries@yukonpubliclibrariesFind out about library programs, events and services, and community library programs and events.
@yukoneducationThe official Instagram account of the Department of Education in the Yukon.


Energy Solutions@energysolutionsyukonLearn about Good Energy rebates and energy advancements in the Yukon.
Protective Services@yukonprotectiveservicesLearn about life safety, fire prevention, emergency preparedness, floods, wildfires and other natural disasters. This page will also provide updates as emergencies occur in the Yukon.
Team Yukon@goteamyukonFollow Team Yukon – as it represents the Yukon’s best athletes and cultural performers – when the team attends major games.
Wildlife Viewing@yukonwildlifeviewingYou’ll find events, educational posts and updates on programs about Yukon wildlife.
Yukon Public Libraries@yukonpubliclibrariesFind out about library programs, events and services, and community library programs and events.


Government of Yukon@yukongovernmentYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest news, and updates on programs and services.
Beringia Interpretive Centre@YukonBeringiaDiscover everything about Beringia and the Ice Age.
Energy, Mines and Resources@emryukongovernmentWatch videos and presentations from the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.
Department of Environment@environmentyukonYou’ll find videos that feature Yukon wildlife, hunting and fishing, environmental stewardship and updates from the Department of Environment.
Health and Social Services@hssyukongovernmentSharing information about health and social services with Yukoners.
Tourism and Culture@tcyukongovernmentDiscover projects, stories and workshops about arts, heritage, historic sites, and more.
Travel Yukon@travelyukonThe Yukon captures the hearts and imaginations of travellers from around the globe.
Yukon Public Libraries@yukonpubliclibraries7033Find out about library programs, events and services, and community library programs and events.


Government of Yukon (English)@yukongovYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest news, and updates on programs and services.
Gouvernement du Yukon (French)@leyukonfrYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest news, and updates on programs and services in French.
511 Yukon@511yukonGet news and updates about what's happening with the Yukon's roads.
Beringia Interpretive Centre@yukonberingiaDiscover the land called Beringia.
Department of Environment@env_yukonYou’ll find the Department of Environment’s latest news, and updates on programs and services.
Economic Development@ecdevyukonSharing news and programs that promote industries and businesses in the Yukon.
Energy, Mines and Resources@emryukonFind updates from the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.
Energy Solutions@goodenergyytLearn about Good Energy rebates and energy advancements in the Yukon.
Health and Social Services@yukonhssYou’ll find the Government of Yukon’s latest health and social services news and updates.
Highways and Public Works@yukonhpwGet news and updates about what's happening with the Yukon's infrastructure.
Protective Services@yukonpsLearn about life safety, fire prevention, emergency preparedness, floods, wildfires and other natural disasters. This page will also provide updates as emergencies occur in the Yukon.
Tourism and Culture@insideyukonLearn more about arts, heritage, historic sites, tourism, and Yukon Archives.
Travel Yukon@travelyukonWelcome to Tourism Yukon’s official Instagram feed. It’s a different world up here.
Yukon Stats Bureau@yukonstatsGet official statistics for the Yukon.
Yukon chief veterinarian officer@yukonchiefvetYou’ll find updates from Yukon’s Chief Veterinary Officer and the Animal Health Unit.
Media Development@reelyukonSharing news and upcoming events about the Yukon's media industries.
Yukon Public Libraries@yukonlibrariesFind out about library programs, events and services, and community library programs and events.


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