The Government of Yukon consults with First Nations governments to make decisions that are fair and well informed. Consultation helps us make the best decisions and develop the best programs and services for Yukoners.
Why we consult
- To understand and include First Nations governments' views and interests.
- To strengthen cooperation and collaboration between our governments.
- To understand how our decisions could impact Aboriginal or treaty rights.
How we consult
We consult with First Nations in a meaningful way. Meaningful consultation strengthens our relationships and meets our legal obligations. We do this by:
- starting to consult as early as possible;
- providing clear, detailed information on what is being considered;
- giving First Nations reasonable time to prepare their views and respond;
- seeking to understand their views through meetings and discussions;
- being open to changing our approach;
- explaining how their views or interests were considered when decisions are made;
- limiting impacts to Aboriginal or treaty rights; and
- discussing compensation if impacts to rights cannot be limited.
For questions on the consultation process contact Aboriginal Relations at [email protected] or call 1-867-667-5035.