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Find reports about the Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy.


Monitor and Review Committee 2023 Annual Report

This is the first annual report of the Monitor and Review Committee for the Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy. The report provides over one year's worth of data on the outcomes of the policy.


Report on the bid value reduction measures 2-year review

The Government of Yukon committed to conducting a 2-year review of the bid value reduction measure of the Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy. The review was conducted by a consultant and the report provides a summary of the review process and suggestions for consideration.


Bid value reduction measures 2-year review executive summary

This document provides an overview of the bid value reduction measures report.


Monitor and Review Committee recommendations - Review of bid value reduction measures

The Monitor and Review Committee (MRC) for the policy has reviewed the bid value reduction measure report and made recommendations to the Yukon government. These recommendations focus on tangible actions the government can take to address the findings of the report.


Monitor and Review Committee Interim Report 2022

This is the first interim report of the Monitor and Review Committee for the Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy. This report provides more information about the committee and measures the progress so far on the policy.

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