Neighbourhood Speed Campaign Logo
Is speed a problem on your street?

Neighbourhood Speed Campaign

Learn how you can be a driver of change in your neighbourhood.

Is speed a problem on your street?

Are you tired of watching cars speed through your neighbourhood? Do you live in Whitehorse? Get involved, take action with your community and ask drivers to slow down on your roads.

The Neighbourhood Speed Campaign is how Whitehorse residents can show other drivers they’re taking a stand against speeding. Each toolkit comes with:

  • a lawn sign you can place in your front yard to remind drivers to slow down and drive safely; and
  • a window decal for your vehicle.

Be the change on our roads and follow all the road rules and speeds. Let’s drive right every trip and show them how it’s done.

How does it work?

The Neighbourhood Speed Campaign is both a toolkit and a pledge.

Residents on a street agree to place:

  • a sign in their yard for 2 weeks, calling for drivers to slow down; and
  • a decal in their vehicle window showing they’re part of the Pace Car community.

Yard signs

We recommend you place the signs on every 2nd yard on the street for a period of 2 weeks.

At the end of the 2 weeks, the signs are returned so they can be used on a different street. If you’d like the signs to visit your street again, simply reapply to the campaign.

Sample lawn sign


The Pace Car program

Taking part in this campaign means you become part of the global Pace Car movement to increase safety on roads all over the world. Take the Pace Car pledge to:

  • drive to the posted speed limit at all times; and
  • be more aware of and courteous to other road users.

It’s important to display your Pace Car decal in the back window of your vehicle so other road users can see that you’re taking action to become part of the solution.

When you become a Pace Car participant in your community, you become a driver of change and help make roads safer in your neighbourhood.

Pace Car vehicle decal


What's involved?

To participate, you need to appoint a person who will be the street’s leader. The street leader will be:

  • the coordinator of the street’s application;
  • the contact person; and
  • responsible for distributing and collecting the toolkits.

What’s the process?

  1. The street leader:
    • fills out an application for the street; and 
    • collects signed pledge forms from the participants on the street.
  2. The street leader submits the completed package, including the applications and pledge forms, to the City of Whitehorse Street Sign and Traffic Committee for review and approval.
  3. The City of Whitehorse Street Sign and Traffic Committee reviews the application.
  4. The street leader will be contacted once the application is approved.

Download campaign documents

Download campaign documents

Download the campaign application, pledge form or information sheet.
Get the documents


For all inquiries:


For additional campaign information: 867-667-8835

This campaign is a partnership between the City of Whitehorse, the RCMP and the Government of Yukon's Road Safety Unit.

The City of Whitehorse Street Sign and Traffic Committee manages, reviews and approves applications.

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