This engagement is now closed.
It ran from 2020-09-25 to 2020-10-31.
Check below for where to find results.
The What We Heard document is available and more information on the Tagish River Habitat Protection Area website.
A tri-government Steering Committee (Carcross/Tagish First Nation, the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon) has invested over five years working together with the Carcross/Tagish Renewable Resources Council, the Tagish Local Advisory Council and the Tagish River community to recommend a draft management plan, including seven key areas of recommendation. They now invite the public to learn about the draft plan and recommendations to sustain this area, as laid out in the Carcross/Tagish First Nation Final Agreement.
All input will be considered by the Steering Committee as they make final recommendations on a draft management plan for the Tagish River Habitat Protection Area.
We want to learn from you on the engagement experience. Noting the challenges with public meetings and gatherings, the Steering Committee has taken several measures to make information available, to facilitate dialogue and to collect input to the draft management plan. Please email [email protected] to share how we did.