Identifying barriers to Indigenous recruitment and retention

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2023-06-26 to 2023-07-31.

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results?

We will compile a summary of all the feedback received into a What We Heard report that will be available after the engagement closes.

What was this engagement about? 

We are aware that some Indigenous people experience barriers to employment with the Government of Yukon and advancement within the organization. As a government, we remain committed to achieving the vision of Breaking Trail Together by creating an engaging and inclusive workplace experience where employees feel safe, supported and respected as professionals.  

This project is to explore the barriers that Indigenous applicants and employees experience throughout the recruitment process and employee experience with the Yukon government – the initial phase being the development of a report and recommendations based on information gathering.   

How will my input make a difference?

Information gathered from this engagement will inform our report and recommendations for next steps, as well as the next operational plan for Breaking Trail Together. To do this work right and make a difference, we need to gather information and stories from both our current and former employees, and members of the public. 

Give your feedback on the engagement process

Share your thoughts on the engagement process by sending an email to [email protected]

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