This engagement is now closed.
It ran from 2022-06-24 to 2022-08-31.
Check below for where to find results.
You can read the results of this public engagement in the What We Heard report.
You can find more documents and information on the Łu Zil Män website. Check the website regularly for updates.
The Government of Yukon and Kwanlin Dün First Nation are developing a local area plan for the Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) area. A steering committee will help develop the plan.
The plan will address many land use issues, including:
- heritage resources protection;
- tourism and recreational activities;
- housing and land applications;
- environmental protection; and
- commercial operations.
The plan will embody a shared vision for the Łu Zil Män area. It will be developed using all available local, traditional and scientific knowledge.
The Kwanlin Dün First Nation Self-Government Agreement outlines the cooperative planning process. The process is meant to benefit all Yukoners, including future generations.
This survey is the first step in a series of engagement events for this planning process. More opportunities to provide input will be included as part of this engagement process. Check the Łu Zil Män website for updates.
Your input will help inform the next step in the process, which is to develop the Łu Zil Män local area plan.
Share your thoughts on the engagement process by sending an email to [email protected].
You can find updates, background information and related documents on the Łu Zil Män website.
You can also learn about local area planning in the Yukon.