Whitehorse school facilities capital planning

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from 2023-03-14 to 2023-05-15.

Check below for where to find results.

Where can I find results?
What was this engagement about? 

We want to hear what Yukoners’ needs, ideas and considerations are for Whitehorse-area school facilities.

The Whitehorse schools replacement ranking, released in 2022, identifies Whitehorse schools to be renovated or replaced in the coming years. The ranking is based on a broad set of weighted criteria, including:

  • building condition;
  • enrollment demand;
  • utilization; and
  • support for an adaptive, modern and integrated learning environment.

The Government of Yukon recognizes that plans for building, upgrading and renovating school facilities should also reflect the values and needs of the users and the community. We are looking to public engagement to tell us about the user experiences in Whitehorse school infrastructure in consideration of these themes:

  • modern learning environments;
  • connection to the outdoors;
  • cultural, inclusive and accessible spaces; and
  • other elements the public determines.
How will my input make a difference?

Your ideas, concerns and values may inspire or influence planning decisions for renovations or enhancements to schools in Whitehorse and will help inform future development of an updated Whitehorse school replacement plan.

Give your feedback on the engagement process

The Government of Yukon values the input of Yukoners to the decision-making processes for all Yukoners. If there is something we could do to improve the engagement process please share your thoughts by sending an email to [email protected].

Where can I find related information?

Read the Whitehorse schools replacement ranking to get an overview of the current ranking of Whitehorse schools.

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