Addressing road safety on the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse

Recognizing the importance of road safety for everyone – drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, roadside workers and passengers alike – the Government of Yukon has reduced the speed limit on the Alaska Highway within the City of Whitehorse. The new, lower speed limit of 70 kilometres per hour applies from the Two Mile Hill intersection through to the Kulan Industrial Area. Areas with a lower speed limit will not see speed limits increased.

The Alaska Highway through Whitehorse is not only an international highway, it is a vital link for local transportation, including people commuting to work and school in cars, on bikes and as pedestrians and passengers. Improving safety for all road users on this route is a priority for the Government of Yukon.

The Department of Highways and Public Works is working closely with road safety experts to conduct a Road Safety Review of the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse. This review was initiated in July 2023 and included recommended ways to address identified safety issues. The review is almost complete and will be made available to the public soon.

In addition to these actions, in spring 2024, the department began work to plan a multi-use pathway along the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse. There is a tender currently out for this study, which is scheduled to begin August 2024.

The Government of Yukon is also in the process of developing Yukon-specific design guidelines for active transportation that will help build infrastructure that is safe and accessible for all Yukoners.

Together, these actions will improve road safety conditions for all of the Yukon’s road users.

Ensuring the safety of everyone on our roads is the top priority for the Department of Highways and Public Works. Lowering speed limits and building active transportation infrastructure are just some of the ways that we can make our roads safer for everyone who uses them. As a cyclist, I know firsthand how critically important it is to feel safe when using the roads, and how difficult that can be in high traffic, high speed areas. Yukoners and our cycling community have suffered a great loss recently, and it is our responsibility as government to continue to make our roads safer for everyone.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Nils Clarke

Quick facts
  • The Government of Yukon has been working to implement safety improvements on the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse since 2016.

  • Recent projects completed include:

    • new pedestrian-activated traffic signals at Burns Road and Hillcrest Drive;
    • a paved, separated, multi-use trail for continuous active transportation from Robert Service Way to Two Mile Hill; and
    • upgraded pedestrian-activated signs in Porter Creek.
Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Kalah Klassen
Communications, Highways and Public Works
[email protected]

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