Charting the Course: Living with and managing COVID-19

The Government of Yukon has released Charting the Course: Living with and managing COVID-19, which includes next steps that will guide the Yukon’s ongoing response to the pandemic.

As the territory and the rest of the world continues to shift from an acute stage response to learning to live with COVID-19, Charting the Course outlines a sustainable approach to managing COVID-19 while protecting vulnerable populations and supporting Yukoners’ wellbeing. The updated approach reflects the latest developments in the COVID-19 pandemic, including new variants that lead to less severe outcomes, the availability of safe and effective vaccines, high vaccination rates and the availability of treatments that lessen the severity of COVID-19.

Effective today, the Yukon government is changing its self-isolation guidance to align with other illnesses. Yukoners who have symptoms or test positive for COVID-19 should continue to stay home while symptomatic. However, the requirement to isolate for a specified number of days has been removed. As a result of this change, self-isolation facilities will close on December 16, 2022.

The COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre will close on November 18, 2022. Testing is no longer routinely recommended for Yukoners with COVID-19 symptoms unless indicated by a health care provider in a clinical assessment. Confirmatory lab-based PCR testing remains available for those who need it for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes such as for access to Paxlovid. Yukoners are encouraged to work with their health care provider, local health care centre or emergency department to discuss the need for testing and treatment. Yukoners can also call the Yukon HealthLine at 811 to access 24-hour health advice from registered nurses or use the self-assessment tool online to see if an assessment from a health care provider is required. At-home rapid tests continue to be available. Yukoners can pick up at-home testing kits from participating locations across the territory.

Regardless of taking a test or not, people are strongly encouraged to stay home if they are feeling sick. The Paid Sick Leave Rebate program continues to help Yukoners prioritize their health and reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Paid Sick Leave Rebate for employers and people who are self-employed provides up to 10 days’ wages for workers who are sick with COVID-19.

Some settings may continue requiring public health measures and isolation periods to protect vulnerable Yukoners. This includes long-term care homes, health centres and Yukon hospitals. Yukoners are asked to respect public health measures in these locations as well as those in rural communities, businesses, organizations and other public settings.

Vaccination remains the best way for Yukoners to protect themselves, their loved ones and communities from severe outcomes related to COVID-19. Vaccines and booster shots remain available throughout the territory. The government will continue to integrate the latest COVID-19 vaccinations into existing immunization programs throughout the territory.

As part of the government’s shift towards a more sustainable public health response, the online COVID-19 dashboard will be decommissioned. Historical data will remain available through the open data portal. Recognizing the success of the dashboard model, work is underway to develop a new public health information dashboard that will be available on starting mid-December.

The Chief Medical Officer of Health is also exploring new ways to support First Nations governments, municipalities and stakeholders with discussions, clinical guidance and advice relating to COVID-19 and other public health matters.

For many months we have been learning to live with COVID-19 as part of our everyday lives. Yukoners have done an exceptional job throughout the pandemic following public health guidance and doing their part by getting vaccinated. It’s now time to shift our response to ensure we have the tools we need to live with COVID-19 as part of our day to day lives. I encourage Yukoners to stay up to date on all vaccines and boosters, stay home when sick and respect each other’s personal health decisions as we learn to live with COVID-19. 

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy Anne McPhee

We are at the point in the pandemic where our public health response must shift to a more sustainable approach. We will accomplish this by integrating vaccines, testing and surveillance into our existing systems and channels while continuing to support the health and wellbeing of all Yukoners. I can’t stress enough the importance of getting vaccinated and staying up to date on your boosters. It’s our best protection against the virus. If you have any questions about getting vaccinated, reach out to your health care provider to discuss your options. 

The Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Sudit Ranade

Quick facts
  • Charting the Course: Living with and managing COVID-19 has been developed to replace Forging Ahead: The Yukon's continuing response to COVID-19. It takes into consideration the current COVID-19 situation locally, nationally and internationally.

  • The Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health continues to closely monitor the situation and will make recommendations to the Government of Yukon as needed. 

  • The Public Health Emergency declaration remains in place so that the Government of Yukon can respond quickly should a significant shift occur in the COVID-19 pandemic. The declaration further maintains surge capacity by allowing the Chief Medical Officer of Health to quickly acquire and mobilize operations including human resources, supplies and equipment. 

  • Vaccines remain our best protection against COVID-19 and serious outcomes. To be up to date on their vaccinations Yukoners must receive all eligible vaccine and booster doses. Book your vaccine appointment.

  • Parents and caregivers can access updated stop light guidance to help determine whether a child should go to school, child care or return to regular activities. Find out more.

  • The Paid Sick Leave Rebate program continues to be available to Yukon workers. For more information, email [email protected] or phone 867-456-3803, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 3803.

  • At-home rapid tests continue to be available. Yukoners can pick up at-home testing kits from participating locations across the territory. Regardless of taking a test or not, you are encouraged to stay home if you are feeling sick. 

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]


Samantha Henney
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]

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