Five projects supported through the Yukon Francophonie Day Program

The Office of the Commissioner of Yukon awarded $15,000 for five community-based projects creating opportunities for all Yukoners to participate in the Yukon Francophonie Day celebrations on and around May 15, 2023.

L’Aurore boréale, l’École Émilie-Tremblay and Société d’histoire francophone du Yukon are among the recipients of the Yukon Francophonie Day Program. Launched earlier this year, this annual program is designed to support groups, businesses, municipalities and educational institutions in organizing events promoting the vitality and diversity of the Yukon Francophone community. 

As the first Francophone commissioner in the history of the Yukon, I am happy to see a successful first intake of the funding program for Yukon Francophonie Day. I invite Yukoners to take part in these various events to recognize and celebrate the history and vitality of the Yukon Francophone community. And I also encourage everyone to start thinking about projects they would like to submit next year.

Commissioner of Yukon Angélique Bernard

Quick facts
  • Since 2007, the Government of Yukon has proclaimed May 15 Yukon Francophonie Day, which allows all Yukoners to appreciate and celebrate the rich history and vitality of the Yukon Francophone community.

  • This official day reminds us that French-speaking people have been exploring the Yukon, settling in the territory and contributing to its development for almost 200 years.

  • As one of Canada's two official languages, French is an integral part of the country's historical, cultural and linguistic fabric.


The Yukon Francophonie Day Program has awarded a total of $15,000 to five projects. Everyone is welcome to attend.

L’Aurore boréale – $4,550 – To hire visual artists to create a collective art piece with duplications of old editions of l’Aurore boréale newspaper during the festivities organized by the Association franco-yukonnaise on Monday, May 15, from 4 to 7 pm at Shipyards Park.

L’Aurore boréale – $3,000 – To produce and launch a book of caricatures and illustrations published in l’Aurore boréale over the last 40 years. The launch of the book 40 ans d'illustrations dans l'Aurore boréale will be held as part of an improv evening on Thursday, May 18, from 6 to 8 pm at the Centre de la francophonie (302 Strickland Street).

École Émilie-Tremblay – $1,625 – To contribute to the talent show “Brillant Français” to be held on Friday, May 12, from 11:55 am to 12:55 pm at the Émilie-Tremblay schoolyard (20 Falcon Drive).

Société d’histoire francophone du Yukon – $3,088 – To curate a bilingual exhibition, The Francophone Community Over Time, as part of the activities celebrating Yukon Francophonie Day and Yukon 125 Anniversary. With gathering as a theme, the exhibit is a journey through the evolution of the Francophone community and its involvement in Yukon society. It takes us from the arrival of First European in Yukon, the fur trade and gold rush eras to today. The exhibition will run from May 11 to December 31, at the Taylor House (412 Main Street).

Commissioner of Yukon – $2,737 – To host the opening of the bilingual exhibition "The Francophone Community Over Time" curated by the Société d’histoire francophone du Yukon. The opening will be held on Thursday, May 11, from 5 to 9 pm at the Taylor House (412 Main Street).

Media contact

Judy Shannon
Private Secretary to Commissioner of Yukon
Executive Council Office
[email protected]  

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