Government of Yukon endorses Putting People First

The Government of Yukon is moving forward with the direction proposed in Putting People First, the final report of the comprehensive review of health and social services.

Putting People First provides a roadmap to transform Yukon’s health and social services system into a more integrated, collaborative and person-centred system that will better meet the needs of Yukoners.

The report’s recommendations will make services more effective, provide better value for money and improve outcomes and experiences for clients, patients, families and health and social service providers.

Putting People First contains 76 recommendations that vary in terms of scope and timing. Work is already underway on a number of initiatives in key priority areas, including universal, affordable early learning and childcare; enhancements to the medical travel program; enhanced cultural safety training for health and social service providers; improved access to vaccines for at risk and vulnerable Yukoners; and specific initiatives to support Yukoners to age in place.

The Government of Yukon is committed to working with health and social service partners across the territory as these changes move forward. There will also be more opportunities for involvement and input from Yukoners.

We are very excited to move Yukon toward a more holistic and people-centred health and social services system. We know there is room for our current system to improve, and we have heard clearly from Yukoners that they want to see change. Across the territory, we have very dedicated health and social service providers who do great work. Improving our system will further support them to deliver top quality programs and services to Yukoners. We are committed to working with our partners to ensure Yukoners have a better and more sustainable system for years to come.

Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • Putting People First is the final report of Yukon’s comprehensive review of health and social programs and services. It was prepared by the five-member independent expert panel and submitted to the Government of Yukon on April 30, 2020.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Clarissa Wall
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]

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