The Government of Yukon releases progress report for Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy

A report released today outlines progress made during Phase One of the implementation of Creative Potential: Advancing the Yukon's Creative and Cultural Industries.

The primary focus of Phase One is assessing and addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and positioning the sector within Yukon’s broader economic recovery.

Highlights from the report include:

  • A $750,000 increase to Media Development funding for content creators, including:
    • $250,000 for the Performing Musicians Fund; and
    • $500,000 for Media Funding Programs.
  • $300,000 in funding was introduced through the launch of two programs: the Express Micro-grant and the Indigenous Artists and Cultural Carriers Micro-grant;
  • $75,000 in funding was introduced to provide training opportunities that strengthen labour market supports; and
  • 36 workshops and other outreach initiatives were coordinated and delivered in eight Yukon communities.

The report is available to download at

Since the release of this strategy, we have made significant progress in providing new resources and increasing funding opportunities for projects of all sizes and types. We have also worked hard to ensure that our programming is better adapted to the needs of industry, and to enhance the support available to creative and cultural professionals in the territory. Moving forward, I am excited to see the continued implementation of Creative Potential and would like to express my gratitude to all our partners in the sector for their collaborative efforts in achieving these goals.

Premier and Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

This report represents a significant milestone in implementing our Creative Potential, our plan to further empower and enhance the Yukon’s creative and cultural sectors. The progress so far is significant, and with continued dedication from industry, we will no doubt continue to build on what we have achieved so far.

Minister of Tourism and Culture John Streicker

Quick facts 
  • Creative Potential: Advancing the Yukon's Creative and Cultural Industries is a 10-year strategy to support the growth and development of the creative and cultural industries in the Yukon.

  • Phase One of the implementation of the Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy aimed to:

    • improve funding supports;
    • develop branding and marketing assets;
    • build capacity in areas such as copyright, royalties, and exports;
    • increase labour market supports and training opportunities; and
    • establish baseline data for use in ongoing monitoring of the economic and social impacts of the sector.
  • Launched in November of 2021, the Creative Potential strategy lays out a long-term vision to develop and enhance the Yukon’s creative and cultural sector.

  • A comprehensive final Report Card on Phase One is expected in 2024, the takeaways from which will help shape the priorities for Phase Two.

Media contact 

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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