Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Finance Sandy Silver have issued the following joint statement:
“This week, federal House Leader Karina Gould delivered an update on how Canada’s finances and economy are doing along with measures to address critical issues for Canadians in the 2024 Fall Economic Statement. Many of these issues are keenly felt in the Yukon and our government is pleased to see the statement recognizes the importance of reducing everyday costs, fostering innovation, adjusting to the current realities of global trade and promoting investment.
“We are happy to see that the Government of Canada has responded to repeated requests from our government by including a proposal to amend the Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Act in the Fall Economic Statement. The proposed amendment would allow certain projects, identified with consent from affected Yukon First Nations, to be exempt from re-assessments. Such a change will help combine a strong regulatory framework that protects the Yukon environment with one that eases the way for investment. We look forward to this legislative change creating a more efficient assessment process and are happy to see them move forward after several years of advocacy from our government and support from First Nations governments.
“Canada’s Premiers have been continually asking for bail reform, so it is heartening to see that the statement commits to amending the Criminal Code to specifically address the bail system. The federal government has also put forward $1.3 billion in new funding towards a comprehensive border security package and we await more details on what this package will look like. This announcement promises to strengthen Canada-U.S. relations and could help curb the flow of fentanyl into the Yukon.
“Meeting housing needs is another major area that our government is working with the Government of Canada to address and is crucial to making life in the Yukon more affordable. The statement includes programs that lay the groundwork for putting housing within reach of more Canadians through the Affordable Housing Fund and Canada is also extending the Federal Community Housing Initiative to include residents of non-profit and co-op housing. Our government will examine how these programs will work within the Yukon to increase our housing supply or improve access to existing housing stock. Our government will also make sure that Yukoners can take advantage of the Canada Greener Homes Affordability Program mentioned in this statement, which will fund retrofits to make homes more energy efficient.
“We are ready to discuss the programs and initiatives mentioned in the Fall Economic Statement with the Government of Canada and find ways to ensure these measures bring the most benefits to Yukoners, as well as laying out our priorities for the territory for the future.”
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]