New working group formed to examine post COVID-19 condition

The Government of Yukon has formed a working group to learn more about post COVID-19 condition, or long COVID, and those who are experiencing its effects. Post COVID-19 condition occurs in some people who have been infected with COVID-19 and can result in a wide range of diverse and long-term effects. 

The working group will rely on emerging research and personal experiences to develop information and resources for Yukoners, or those caring for Yukoners, with post COVID-19 condition. 

Members of the working group include Yukoners living with post COVID-19 condition, health professionals, including those with experience in First Nations health care, an epidemiologist and representatives from the Department of Health and Social Services’ chronic conditions support programs, mental wellness and substance use services, and policy and planning.   

The working group will monitor and gather research with the goal of developing further resources and information in the coming months. 

This working group is a step forward in understanding and addressing the effects that post COVID-19 condition is having on Yukoners and their families. We must work together to determine next steps to help people manage and recover from this long-term illness.

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • In Forging Ahead: The Yukon’s Continuing Response to COVID-19, Goal 2 is to enhance Yukoners’ wellbeing through mental and physical health. 

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

Samantha Henney
Communications, Health and Social Services
[email protected]

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