Statement from Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee on Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee has issued the following statement:

“September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month across Canada. To help raise awareness and encourage meaningful conversations about this disease, buildings across the country are being lit up in blue.

“We join in bringing awareness to this disease by lighting up the government sign at Jim Smith Building in blue from September 1st to 8th. The blue lights are a reminder of our ongoing commitment to supporting Yukoners affected by prostate cancer.

“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, affecting one in eight men in their lifetime, so it’s critical to bring awareness to this disease. This year alone, it’s estimated that 27,900 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. The risk for prostate cancer increases with age, particularly after age 50, with most diagnoses occurring in men in their 60s.

"If you are a man experiencing symptoms, we encourage you to talk to your health care provider. Early detection is key.

“We encourage all Yukoners to help raise awareness this month by learning more about prostate cancer symptoms and supporting their friends and family in talking with their health care providers to increase early detection and treatment.

“Together, we can continue to foster a healthy Yukon.”

Media contact 

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

News release #: 