Statement from Premier Pillai on Ganesh Chaturthi

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Today is the start of Ganesh Chaturthi, an important annual Hindu festival.

“Ganesh Chaturthi is a 10-day celebration of the birth of the Hindu god Ganesh. Known as the remover of obstacles and the guardian of esoteric knowledge, Ganesh is celebrated with a variety of rituals, including creating idols of Ganesh out of clay and decorating them with flowers. At the end of the 10 days, the idols are carried to a river and immersed in the water to symbolise Ganesh’s return to the sacred Mount Kailash.

“Ganesh Chaturthi takes place on the fourth day of Bhadrapada, the sixth month of the Hindu calendar. The festival has been practised since the 1600s and is celebrated across the world to honour one of the most important deities in the Hindu religion.

“The Yukon has a vibrant, growing Hindu population and I wish all who observe this celebration of new journeys a time filled with positivity and joy. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur 
Cabinet Communications 
[email protected] 

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