Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie McLean on back to school

Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie McLean have issued the following statement:

“As young Yukoners head back to school, we would like to wish them a happy and productive school year.

“Whether you are just starting school in kindergarten or counting down the days to high school graduation, we hope you take advantage of opportunities to learn and grow offered to you throughout your educational journey.

“As parents ourselves, we know that back to school is a special time of year as well for parents, guardians, and family members. We want to thank Yukon parents and guardians for all they do for their students, and remind all Yukoners to be mindful of their surroundings as they drive through school zones and alongside school busses.

“We would also like to recognize our hard-working teachers and support staff, who continue to provide quality education and support to our children. Their work changes lives and communities, creating a brighter future for the next generations.

“Happy back to school, Yukon!”

Media contact 

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 