Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie McLean on the start of the fall 2023 semester at Yukon University

Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie MacLean have issued the following statement:

“On behalf of the Government of Yukon, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all those starting or continuing their studies at Yukon University this year.

“With campuses across many beautiful traditional territories of Yukon First Nations, Yukon University offers high quality opportunities for students to learn, grow and develop new skills. Not only does the school contribute significantly to the territory – the territory itself brings so much to the experience of learners.

“We are fortunate to have an institution here where the next generation of achievers and visionaries can build skills that help further shape and strengthen the Yukon.

“Whether this is your first time in the Yukon, or you have lived here your entire life, we hope you feel inspired by the unique community you have joined and that you enjoy your studies.

“We wish you the best of luck this year and we encourage you to explore all that the Yukon has to offer!”

Media contact 

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 