Statement from Premier Pillai on Lunar New Year 2024

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Tomorrow marks the Lunar New Year, one of the most significant celebrations in the lunar calendar.

“Also known as the Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year is an opportunity for many members of Asian communities across the world to reunite with family, share festive meals and partake in age-old traditions that bridge generations. The colourful parades, traditional dances and the exchange of red envelopes all contribute to the festive atmosphere that envelops communities during this special time.

“As we enter the Year of the Dragon, we recognize the strong qualities associated with this symbol. The dragon, representing strength, good fortune and transformation, encourages a year of potential and opportunity.

“May the Year of the Dragon bring good fortune, health and happiness to all who celebrate. Let us appreciate the diverse traditions that make Lunar New Year a truly magical and inclusive celebration.

"To Yukon organizations who have put events together to celebrate, thank you for all that you contribute to our communities. To all Yukoners, I hope you have had the chance to engage in the festivities, or will do so soon if the opportunity arises.

“Happy Lunar New Year! Lóng nián dàjí! Chúc mừng năm mới! Saehae bok mani badeuseyo!”

Media contact 

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 