Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn congratulating the Special Olympics Team Yukon

Premier Ranj Pillai and Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn have issued the following statement.

“From February 27th to March 2nd, Special Olympics Team Yukon displayed remarkable talent and unwavering determination at the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games in Calgary.

We are so immensely proud of these athletes for their contributions to Yukon's sports community. They constantly make us all proud with their determination, spirit and accomplishments.

“Competing in curling, figure skating, five pin-bowling and cross-country skiing, the athletes saw great success in their respective sports. Collectively, the team brought home 13 medals. That’s a Special Olympics Yukon record.

“Whether they made the podium or not, every one of our Special Olympics athletes did their best and were amazing ambassadors for the Yukon.

“We would also like to extend our gratitude to the coaches, mission staff and volunteers. Thank you for your dedication to the Special Olympics athletes.

“We couldn’t be happier for you. Congratulations to all.”

Media contact 

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

News release #: 