Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on the Assembly of First Nations election

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

On behalf of the Government of Yukon, I am pleased to congratulate Cindy Woodhouse on her recent election as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. 

“Throughout her career, National Chief Woodhouse has worked on improving the lives of First Nations Citizens through various positions within First Nations governments and most recently as the Assembly of First Nations’ Manitoba Regional Chief.

“National Chief Woodhouse was the lead negotiator who helped achieve the historic settlement of the Assembly of First Nations’ human rights class action lawsuit on racial discrimination in the child welfare system and the narrow application of Jordan’s Principle.  

“Her work also supported the Assembly of First Nations’ advocacy on clean drinking water, universal internet connectivity and closing the infrastructure and housing gap for all First Nations.

“I commend National Chief Woodhouse’s commitment and dedication to advancing the collective aspirations of First Nations people and communities across Canada through the Assembly of First Nations.

“I also look forward to continuing to work with the Assembly of First Nations’ Yukon Region representatives on issues that matter to Yukon First Nations and all Yukoners.”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

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