Statement from Premier Ranj Pillai on Bill C-21

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement: 

"As I committed to on my first day on the job, I will defend the interests of the Yukon.

"Many Yukoners are very concerned about the proposed amendments to Bill C-21 and the impacts they would have on law-abiding firearms owners in the territory. As a lawful gun owner, avid hunter and member of a family who has worked a trapline on the land for generations, I have a deep appreciation for the concerns.

"The Yukon government has long made it clear to the federal government that Yukoners need to be engaged about legislative changes that would impact them, including those proposed in amendments to Bill C-21. 

"We are pleased that Minister Marco Mendicino was in the Yukon to hear from Yukoners about Bill C-21. Serious concerns remain around the impacts Bill C-21 would have on the way of life of many Yukoners.  From licensed and subsistence hunters to Indigenous families working traplines, the proposed amendments would negatively impact law-abiding Yukoners and threaten Indigenous traditional ways of life.

"Last night, Yukoners respectfully shared their positions on Bill C-21 at a roundtable with Minister Mendicino, who has committed to engaging and making appropriate changes to Bill C-21 after hearing from Yukoners and others living in more rural and remote parts of Canada. The Yukon’s Minister of Justice Tracy McPhee has also shared our government’s concerns directly with Minister Mendicino during bilateral meetings.

"First Nations leaders also made their concerns with Bill C-21 clear to me during my first meeting as Premier with the Council of Yukon First Nations earlier this week and we support the concerns of Yukon First Nations Chiefs.

"As the Yukon’s Member of Parliament Brendan Hanley has made clear, the Yukon does not support Bill C-21 in its present form. We support and commend MP Hanley’s efforts to advocate for and defend the interests of Yukoners. I strongly urge the federal government to listen to Yukoners and make changes to the amendments to Bill C-21."

Media contact 

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]

News release #: 