Yukon Child and Youth Advocate to review Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Policy

As part of its ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and inclusivity of all students, the Government of Yukon has referred the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Policy to the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office for a comprehensive review.

The Department of Education made preliminary updates to its SOGI Policy in August 2023. This revision, aimed at promoting inclusivity in all Yukon schools, marked a significant step towards acknowledging and addressing the needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ students, staff and school community members. At that time, the department committed to engaging with stakeholders and making further updates to the policy.

Recognizing the need to act in the best interest of children, the department has engaged the expertise of the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate to assess the policy's current impact and make recommendations. This decision underscores the Government of Yukon’s commitment to evidence-based policy enhancements.

The context of evolving SOGI policies across Canada highlights the need to adopt an approach that prioritizes the rights of children. The Child and Youth Advocate review will help ensure that the Yukon’s policy makes schools inclusive and safe for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

The safety and wellbeing of every student in our schools is crucial. By engaging the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate in reviewing our SOGI Policy, we are taking a thoughtful and informed approach to ensure our schools are welcoming spaces for everyone. This review is not just about policy; it's about reaffirming our commitment to every child's right to a safe and inclusive education.

Minister of Education and Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean

Children and youth should play a central role in shaping decisions, programs, and policies that impact them. Children have a right to be free from discrimination and to feel safe and included. This review is an opportunity to complete a thorough Child Rights Impact Assessment that considers all children’s rights and will help us understand how well the Yukon’s SOGI Policy accommodates a balance of these rights, and where things can still be improved.

Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Annette King

Quick facts
  • The review by the Child and Youth Advocate will include engagement with key stakeholders and education partners.

  • This review aligns with the actions in the Yukon’s 2021 LGBTQ2S+ Inclusion Action Plan.

  • The Advocate will prepare a report for the Department of Education with recommendations about further SOGI Policy amendments.

  • At the beginning of the 2023–24 school year, the department partnered with the ARC Foundation to provide SOGI inclusive education training to all educators in all Yukon public schools. While the Child and Youth Advocate review is underway, SOGI implementation will continue to advance.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
[email protected]


Michael Edwards
Communications, Education
[email protected]

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