Regional assessment of wildlife in the Yukon Southern Lakes area, volume 1: Context and recommendations

Name: Regional assessment of wildlife in the Yukon Southern Lakes area, volume 1: Context and recommendations
Outdoor recreation and wildlife
Last updated: October 5, 2018
Size: 1.46 MB
File Type: PDF
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Document description: 

This plan provides regional information about the Yukon Southern Lakes Area. This plan is a joint effort by Canada, British Columbia, Yukon and First Nations Governments to recover and conserve wildlife populations and their habitat.

A Regional Assessment of Wildlife in the Yukon Southern Lakes Area was developed by the Southern Lakes Wildlife Coordinating Committee. Its composition, mandate and duties are outlined in Schedules B and E, respectively, of Chapter 16 of the Kwanlin Dün and Carcross/Tagish First Nations’ Final Agreements.

This volume describes the Committee and its work, current wildlife management regimes, and includes the Committee’s recommendations.
